Q: What is split testing?

A: Split testing split traffic to the website on the pre-defined percentage (50-50 / 10-90) to different destinations (show different prices, UI, etc.)

Q: How long should I run the test?

A: Our analytics will help you estimate this. As a rule of thumb, ~200 orders per test group can conclude a test.

Q: How does this impact my ads?

A: The URL of the product will stay the same. Make sure you don't mention a specific price in your ads. For Google Shopping, there might be some issues. Please contact support [email protected].

Q: Will it affect the test if a product has many variants?

A: The test takes care of product variants carefully. You can even set different test prices on different variants.

Q: Will the test affect my theme?

A: Our test script won't remove any code on your website so the theme will be intact.

Q: Will it slow down my site?

A: No, the test script is light-weighted and optimized under our dedicated integration research.